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Tag: Linux

QuickTip – One-Time Scheduled CentOS (and Other Linux Distros) Server Reboot

QuickTip – One-Time Scheduled CentOS (and Other Linux Distros) Server Reboot

Let’s say that you ran some updates on your CentOS server but can’t reboot it until a later time, like when users have gone home for the day. Run this simple command to schedule the server to reboot at a certain time. In this case, 8 PM. sudo shutdown -r 20:00 As indicated in the confirmation received after running the command, you can use this command to override and cancel the scheduled reboot, you can run this command- sudo shutdown…

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DNF-Automatic – Schedule Updates for Fedora (and other Linux distros)

DNF-Automatic – Schedule Updates for Fedora (and other Linux distros)

If you want to have Fedora (and other rpm-based distros) update itself, you can use DNF-Automatic. First, we’ll need to install it. I’ll assume that this is a fresh server and you decided to login as root to get everything configured. # dnf -y install dnf-automatic Now that it is installed, we will edit the automatic.conf config file with nano- # nano /etc/dnf/automatic.conf You will notice that there are several sections. Each section has a description of the options and…

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QuickTip – Need to Check the Active Connections to Your Squid Proxy Server?

QuickTip – Need to Check the Active Connections to Your Squid Proxy Server?

If you want to update and reboot your Squid proxy server, you might want to check to see if there are active connections. Run this netstat command with grep to check all the active connections on your squid proxy port. netstat -na | grep :3128 If you only see this result, no one is currently connected- When at least one device is connected, you will see something like this-

Reset OwnCloud 7 Admin Password (Linux Server)

Reset OwnCloud 7 Admin Password (Linux Server)

If you lost your password for the web interface Admin login of your OwnCloud installation; Or perhaps, like myself, you weren’t paying attention and glossed over that part when you set up the MySQL DB settings and closed out the browser before configuring anything else, fear not! After searching high and low and trying several different methods, including replacing hashes and modifying database tables and whatnot, I have found the solution that is kind of cobbled together from a couple…

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